“Integrative Medicine Solutions for Healing Patients & Your PA Practice”


AAPA Approved
14.0 Category 1
CME Credits

AAPA Approved 14.0 Category 1 CME Credits

Next Training Announced Soon

Program description and outline:

Unmet healthcare need: Integrative Medicine (IM) is an emerging field which addresses the root cause of many chronic health problems. There are 22 IM fellowship training programs for physicians in the U.S, but none for PAs. The California Integrative Medicine PA Association (IMPAA) addresses this need for IM training and information. Additionally, California PAs lawfully can own their medical practice, but no training has addressed how this is done.

Course sponsor and mission: This course is organized and sponsored by Integrative Medicine Solutions, Inc., a California corporation which was formed solely to provide integrative medicine training and practice ownership tools to PAs and other healthcare providers. The primary means to achieve this mission is through the establishment of state Integrative Medicine PA Associations (IMPAA). In 2016, the first IMPAA was formed in California (www.IntegrativeMedicinePA.com).

Course objectives: The PA will learn how to implement Integrative Medicine principles in evaluating and treating the root cause(s) of many chronic and difficult to treat conditions as the foundation to starting their own PA medical practice.

Course description: This two and a half day training introduces basics of Integrative Medicine using the Integrative Medicine Solution book as a guide. Learn how to evaluate and treat cardiovascular, digestive, hormone, and nutrient deficiencies as well as detect and remove heavy metal and chemical toxins and environmental barriers. The PA will learn why owning their own IM California PA Professional Corporation improves care and outcomes of their patients. Using the PA Practice Start-Up Manual, the PA will learn how to start, own, and operate their own PA corporation.

Continuing Medical Education Credit: The clinical lectures in this training have been reviewed and approved for up to 14.0 AAPA Category 1 CME credits by the AAPA Review Panel. Per AAPA instructions, “the PA should only claim those hours actually spent participating in that CME activity.” At the end of the training, Certificates of Attendance will be given to all participants after completing and turning in the course evaluations. Practice building lectures on the last day do not qualify for CME credits, however these can be claimed for Category II CME credits.

Course Outline

Day 1

9:00-9:30am — Registration: Redding Integrative Medicine office
9:30-11:00am — Is Our Healthcare System Broken?
11:15-12:15 — Principles of Integrative Medicine


1:15-2:30pm — Detoxification: the Missing Link
2:30-3:30pm — Restore Blood Flow: Nitric Oxide, the Miracle Molecule
4:00-5:30pm — Patient Panel: Integrative Medicine Case Studies
5:30-6:30pm — Individual participant testing appointments (10 minute intervals for pulsewave and oligoscan tests, included in course tuition)

Day 2

9:00-10:15am — Digestive Support: All Disease Starts in the Gut
10:30-Noon — Remove Health Barriers and Correct Deficiencies


1:30-3:00pm — Restore Hormone Function
3:30-5:00pm — Putting It All Together – The Integrative Medicine Flow of Care; patient example using jigsaw puzzle blueprint

Day 3

9:00-10:10am — The Integrative Medicine Toolbox: Supplements and Tests
10:15-12:30pm — How To Start and Operate Your Own PA Practice – overview of the PA Practice Start-Up Manual
12:30-1:00pm — What’s the Next Step?


Call Now for Advance Notification — (530) 227-8307